Quality Craftsmanship
Over 75 years of experience
Over 75 years of experience
In order to better serve our customers, we have complied a list of resources below that will help guide you through the process of purchasing and designing a custom memorial, as well as other support services.
Yesterday afternoon, in a very emotional frame of mind, I went to the Good Shepard cemetery to see the monument. As I looked at the stone, I admired the colour, shape, and lettering and I had a feeling of peace. Thank you so much for your professional product and for having the stone in place for today’s internment.
Kay Whittaker
Smet Monuments is proud to be an Atlantic Canadian company, family-owned and operated. We strive to make truly unique memorials for each of our customers, keeping in mind that these memorials do more than just help us remember, they tell the story of the lives behind the names.